Me and a friend got a job as wedding photographer. This is my first wedding. It was held at the Grand Hotell in Stockholm Sweden. It is an very old building with alot of rooms, perfect place to find nice locations to shoot at. We where taking pictures all day long, and my body have not fully recoverd yet. We where doing this for 11 houers straight. Having a Nikon D3s + 70-200mm is heavy after a wild. Now I just have to go through about 2600 pictures. But it was a good experience. Not going to do that again. Not 11 houers straight anyway.

tisdag 9 augusti 2011
måndag 8 augusti 2011
Need more memory
It does not matter if you get the latest computer and the best software and so on. Eventually the best things are not good enough. Last computer I build got 6 GB of ram. I thought that would be enough for the stuff I do. But no...
I remember the good old days (Amiga time) when 512kB was more than you needed. As a little side note, some years ago I found an extra memory for my VIC-20. That extra memory was at 2 kB...
fredag 5 augusti 2011
Quality capacitors...
We had a dance machine at Heron City that behaved strange. So we took back the computerbox and started looking in to it. After alittle time I saw the problem. All the capacitors on the graphics card had poped. Normaly they pop from the top, but this once had "jumped" out of there casing. I am most amazed that the graphics card worked at all, it started up fine and booted the game, but after a wild it crashed.
Anyway, I changed them for new once and now it workes fine again.
torsdag 4 augusti 2011
DAMN elinchrom EL-Skyport
So I needed a wireless trigger system for my camera and flash. I dident know that much about this diffrent systems so I thought I go to a camera store and let them tell me a little more about them and recomend a system. They presented me this elinchrom EL-Skyport:
Fine, it was a system that you could add more recivers to later on. Came home and noticed that the cable that should go from the reciver to the flash was not included in the package. They did not say anything about that in the store... It dident have TTL... and the damn thing was broken out of the package. The reciver did not take any charge...
So I went back to the store and told my little story, they looked at me and started asking questions. I said that you are the seller, dont ask me. After a little back and forth (asking the guys in the office) it was ok for me to return it. Doh!
Anyway. I asked again. I need a system to trigger my flash wireless. With TTL and all the cables I need... ? Eh? OK, I would like the PocketWizard ( I had done a little research this time)
They told me that is more expencive. I dont care, I want something that works. Again a little back and forth he came out with this PocketWizard Flex TT5:
The store guy dident know if all the cables was included. Well, dont look at me!
After I open the package I told him that you dont need cables.
Tryed it out tonight after an easy update of the firmware, and it workes like a fucking sharm.
The nice thing is that it is both transmitter and reciver in the same gadget so you dont need to keep them apart.
Also did some tests shooting some smoke. Flash is on the side
I love it!
tisdag 2 augusti 2011
So many Games, so little time...
I have a problem. I cant deside on what game to play when the trigger finger is itching. Right now it is Team Fortress 2 or StarCraft II. I like them both and they have been with me for quite some time. But they are both very repeating games. Sure there are alot of maps and diffrent styles of games but the general ide is the same. I like TF 2 because it is fast, and you can jump in at any time play for as long as you like and then quit.
StarCraft II on the other hand is alittle more time consuming because you have to wait on other players to be able to start a game. Then it is all the preparation getting the buildings going and upgrades and so on.
Humm, I tend to spend alittle amount of time with both of them so I dont forget the finesse about them. But to be realy good I should pick one game and practise like hell. But on the other hand, then it gets even more boring. I think I should stick to them both or just find a new game all together.
måndag 1 augusti 2011
Back to the salt mine
So the inevitable happend to day. Vacation is over and it's just to head back to work.
DAMN! I realy dont want to. Either I dont want to work or I want a new kind of job. It was so nice been free, doing what ever...
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